Home > Prodotti > Makkinarju għat-tħaffir taż-żejt > Magna Diżil > Tħaffir Rig DC Motor YJ23

Tħaffir Rig DC Motor YJ23

$30000 - 40000 /Set/Sets
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Attributi tal-Prodott

Mudell Nru.Yj23 DC Motor


Brand NameYj

Model NumberYj23

Warranty Period3years

Place Of OriginChina

Place Of OriginJiangsu, China

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ImballaġġPakketti standard



Post ta 'OriġiniIċ-Ċina

Abbiltà tal-Provvista10 Set/Sets per Day


Kodiċi HS8501109990


Tip ta 'ĦlasL/C,T/T


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Pakketti standard

YJ23 motor,electric motor

YJ23 motor are squirrel cage variable frequency speed regulating asynchronous motor developed for AC-DC-AC electric drive oil-drilling machine. They take international advanced insulation processes and special measures protecting the bars from of the motors are the same as that of import DC oil drilling motor. Their main feature are : large torque, wide range constant power speed regulating, free maintenance, high universality, efficiency and reliability. YJ23 motor can be used as slurry pump motor, rotary table motoror winch motor of AC drive machine


Rated power 600Kw
Rated voltage 600V
Rated current 714A
Rated rotating speed 660r/min
Power factor 0.85
Rated efficiency 95%
Max.con power rotating speed 1060r/min
Rated torque 8683N.m
Rated frequency 33.5Hz

YJ23 motor,electric motor.electric motor....

Il-kumpanija tagħna tittratta prinċipalment l-għodod tal-ħardwer, għodod magħquda, għodod elettriċi, għodod speċjali għall-pitrolju, makkinarju għall-ipproċessar tal-metall u tagħmir għat-tħaffir tal-pitrolju. Qtugħ djagonali Plier , Pajpijiet tat-tħaffir taż-żejt , Għodda għat-tħaffir , magna diesel eċċ.

Prodotti ewlenin:
1. Pipe Drill, Pipe Drill Heavy, Pjazza u Kelly Hexagonali
2. Għonq tat-tħaffir u kullar tat-tħaffir mhux manjetiku
3. Stabbilizzaturi, reamer, opener tat-toqob, barraxa tal-kisi, eċċ
4. Valv Kelly, Valv ta 'Sikurezza, Valv ta' Kontroll, u Valv float
5. vażett tat-tħaffir idrawliku jew mekkaniku, u assorbitur
6. Għodda tas-sajd (serje tal-bowen), inklużi żejjed, lanza, eċċ
7. Junk Mill, cutter tal-kisi, ġog tas-sigurtà, eċċ
8. Unità ta 'bucking idrawliku, kamin u unità ta' tbegħid, tester tal-mutur tat-toqba 'l isfel, tester tal-vażett, eċċ.
9 .Down Hole Motor
10. Makkinarju għall-ipproċessar: ġliem, magni tal-liwi, presses idrawliċi, magni tal-liwi, eċċ.
11. Diversi winċijiet tal-minjieri tal-faħam, winċijiet tal-kamp taż-żejt, winċijiet tal-vapuri, eċċ.
12. Diversi għodod tal-idejn u għodod elettriċi.

Dc Motor 10Dc Motor 7Dc Motor 16


Q1. How to get an accurate quotation?

A1: The customer should provide the related technical requirements, drawings, pictures, industrial voltage, planned output,

Q2. What if I use this machine for the first time and know nothing of it ?

A2: We will have our engineers teach you how to operate it,you can just inform us some details of the product you need then we can customize as your special order.

Q3. How does your factory do regarding quality control?

A3: We has been regard quality as the priority. We always attach great importance to quality controlling from the very beginning to the very end ,so our press can match all the CE and ISO standard also more strict standard .

Q4. How about your delivery time?

A4: Generally, it will take 35 working days after receiving your deposit payment. The specific delivery time depends on the items and the quantity of your order. Sometimes we have standard machines in stock.

Q5. What is the warrantee period of the machine?

A5: We can supply 1 year warranty for our machines, We can send engineer to customer place if big quality problem. We can provide internet or calling service at any time.

Q6. after-sales service

A6: 1. Installation:Free installation and commissioning, travel expense is on foreign customer.(Including round ticket and

accommodation cost)

2. Personnel training: Our engineers will give your employees free machine training when they come to your company to assemble the machines, and welcome to our factory to learn how to operate our machineQ1. How to get an accurate quotation?.

Kategoriji tal-Prodott : Makkinarju għat-tħaffir taż-żejt > Magna Diżil

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    Mr. cnntyaou
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  • *Messaġġ:
    Il-messaġġ tiegħek għandu jkun bejn 20-8000 karattru
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